What are Verona©  Roses?

We believe that roses have a starring role in life’s most precious moments. Verona Roses are real roses that can last more than a year with the proper care. Our roses are handpicked and cut when they are at their most beautiful stage. Only the most perfect and beautiful roses are selected. Each rose then undergoes a preservation process, allowing the flowers to maintain their natural, fresh cut appearance. This innovative, proprietary process uses non-toxic, hypoallergenic solutions to turn real roses into Verona Roses. 

The artistry doesn't end there, every arrangement is enclosed in a wood crafted case that has been designed just for you. 

How long do Verona© Roses last?

By being processed with non-toxic glycerine, our roses have a superior lifespan allowing them to last up to a year, or even longer with proper care.

Do Verona© Roses actually smell like roses?

Verona Roses are real roses, so they do have a rosy scent.  After a few months the smell can fade and you can add our light oil based fragrance to enhance their scent which typically lasts 2-3 months.


Can I take the roses out of their box?

They should remain in their boxes. Setting them into their boxes is part of the preservation process, and removing them would ruin the arrangement made just for you.


How do I care for my Verona© Roses?

 Preserved flowers are very fragile like fresh flowers, so they must be handled with care and should be treated as follows:

  • DO NOT WATER. Sprinkling water can cause damage.
  • Keep the arrangement in a room-temperature environment. Avoid rooms that are to cold or to warm
  • Avoid contact with direct sunlight to prevent discoloration or fading.
  • To remove dust collected blow with a hair dryer on the cold air setting from a moderate distance or gently use a duster.
  • Do not remove the roses from the box. Setting them into their boxes is part of the preservation process
  • Petals are very delicate so please avoid touching them


How Can I Order a Custom Arrangement from Verona©?

Are you ready to send the gift of pure luxury to friends and family? Ordering a Verona Arrangement Arrangement is easy.  Upload your video…


Does Verona Deliver Nationwide?

We shipped Nationwide. During the checkout process, you can choose  when you want your flowers to be delivered. UPS and Fedex delivery available every day from Monday to Saturday.

Our “Delivery on chosen day” guarantee means that after making your arrangement we are settling up a delivery with Fedex or UPS for the day of your choice. However, we have absolutely no control on the shipments after those dispatched from us.